Getting to know the team - Hazel's Box of Joy

Our lovely Joymail subscribers all have a chance of winning an utterly lovely Box of Joy each month. I think we love putting them together nearly as much as people love receiving them! Although we aren’t eligible to win a box ourselves, we had some fun imagining what we would put in our own, and thought it’d be a nice way for people to get to know us a little bit more. First up is Hazel…

Hazel chose:

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  • Reef board game. We recently spent a team afternoon up at the Draughts board gaming cafe in Waterloo, London, playing games and having fun together (tough job - someone has to do it). Hazel found it a lovely and relaxing play, like Takenoko, and is very keen to play it again.

  • Soundiculous. Although we all already own all our titles (obviously!), we always put in one of our own titles into the Boxes of Joy. Soundiculous is Hazel’s go-to game that can be whipped out in any situation, as it only takes a few seconds to explain and so much fun can be had with it so quickly.

  • A big lump of clay. She was torn between this and a book on ceramics. Either way, Hazel’s newest fad/interest (delete as appropriate) is pottery and this is going to be helpful on that front. I must say, as someone who has seen her first pottery effort, a rather lovely plant pot, I’ve got to say she’s off to a flipping impressive start.

  • Some new goggles. Hazel is a member of the Brighton sea swimmers and therefore a regular sea swimmer. She can be found swimming in all weathers, but is currently in need of a new pair of goggles to go with her excellent wet suit setup.

  • No Box of Joy would be complete without a snack of choice. Hazel has opted for some Divine Dark Chocolate with freeze dried Raspberries. Delicious chocolate from a company with great values - what more can you ask for?!

Up next - Dave…